Slovak Veterinary Ophthalmology Society (SVOS)

Association focused on the development and advancement of veterinary ophthalmology in Slovakia


Slovak Veterinary Ophthalmology Society (SVOS) was founded with intetion to develop and advance veterinary ophthalmology in Slovakia. SVOS associates veterinarians with focus on veterinary ophthalmology, promotes continuous education in this specialty and organises specialised trainings, seminaries and other events from this medical field. Specifically, SVOS draws attention to the assessment of hereditary eye diseases.


For this purpose, SVOS cooperates closely with the Chamber of Veterinary Doctors of Slovak republic, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice as well as European and American veterinary ophthalmological associations, bringing together veterinary diplomates.


Events of Slovak Veterinary Ophthalmology Society

Vision and blindness in dogs

I. Ophthalmological Conference of SVOS
Lectures in English will be simultaneously translated to Slovak language

Executive board

Presidency of Slovak Veterinary Ophthalmological Society

Prof. MVDr. Alexandra Trbolová, PhD


MVDr. Pavol Zubrický

Vice President

MVDr. Agnieszka Balická, PhD.

Board Member

MVDr. Mária Lapšanská, PhD

Board Member

MVDr. Zuzana Drahovská, PhD.

Board Member

Supervisory committee

MVDr. Miroslav Petrík – Chairman of supervisory comittee

MVDr. Jozef Štang, MVDr. Katarína Sabolová – Members of supervisory comittee


Statutes of Slovak Veterinary Ophthalmological Society



Forms of the membership

Membership in society can be either full, individual or honorable.

  1. Full member of the society can be any applicant, who completed and achieved education in veterinary medicine, registered themself by filling in the registration form and paid the membership fee.
  2. Individual member can be any student of university of veterinary medicine who registered themself by filling registration form, presented their Transcript of Records or valid and up-to-date student identity card (ISIC) confirming status of veterinary medicine student and paid advantaged membership fee.
  3. Honorary member of SVOS is a natural person whose honorary membership was settled by the plenary of SVOS. When deciding about honorary membership, plenary evaluates activities in the field of veterinary medicine, in particular, merits in the development of veterinary science and research, merits in the field of ophthalmological veterinary practice, merits in society advancement et cetera.

Membership fees

Membership fees:

Full member fee – 30 EUR/ year

Individual member (student) fee – 15 EUR/ year

Registration form – Membership

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